


教授   博士生导师  











20037200611, 加拿大国家研究院植物生物技术研究所, 博士后

20061220138, 加拿大国家研究院植物生物技术研究所,助理研究员、副研究员



[1] 黑龙江省科技进步二等奖:寒地玉米提质增抗全程机械化高效生产技术创新与集成应用,202011(排名第6)

[2] 大庆市科学技术进步一等奖:玉米专用秸秆炭基复合肥的研发和应用,20159(排名第7)





[4]国家重点研发计划“七大农作物育种” 中“小麦等作物功能基因组研究与应用”项目子任务(2016YFD0101002玉米抗逆、高效性状的功能基因组与调控网络,2016/07/01-2021/06/30 




[1] Zhao X, Wei Y, Zhang J, Yang L, Liu X, Zhang H, Shao W, He L, Li Z, Zhang Y, Xu J*(2021). Membrane lipid metabolism and transcriptional regulation in maize roots under cold stress. Frontiers in Plant Science,doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.639132

[2] Zhao Y, Cao P, Cui Y, Li J, Zhao Y, Yang S, Zhang B, Zhou R, Sun M, Guo X, Yang M, Xin D, Zhang Z, Li X, Lv C, Liu C, Qi Z, Xu J*, Wu X*, Chen Q*(2021). Enhanced production of seed oil with improved fatty acid composition by overexpressing NAD+-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in soybean. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Mar 26.

[3] Xu X, Zhang J, Yan B, Wei Y, Ge S, Li J, Han Y, Li Z, Zhao C, Xu J*(2021). The adjustment of membrane lipids metabolism pathways in maize roots under saline-alkaline stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, Mar 15, 12:635327.

[4] J.-P. Wei, W.-X. Ma, X.-Y. Liu, J.-J. Xu, N. Zhang, W.-J. Shao, R.-N. Chen, J.-Y. Xu*, G.-B. Yu*(2020). First Report of Leaf Spot on Sorghum bicolor Caused by Alternaria tenuissima in China. Plant Disease, Aug18.

[5] Wei J, Shao W, Yang K, Zhao C, Liu X, Ma W, Yu G*, Xu J*(2020). Effects of different chemical fertilizers application rates and densities on the whole growth period of sorghum in semi-arid areas of north China. Revista de Chimie. 2020,71 (6)

[6] Wang F, Ding D, Li J, He L, Wang Y, Ying Zhao, Yan B, Yang K, Li Z, Xu J*(2020). Characterization of genes involved in galactolipids and sulfolipids metabolism in maize and Arabidopsis and their differential responses to phosphate deficiency. Functional Plant Biology, 47: 279–292.

[7] He L, Bian J, Xu J*, Yang K* (2019). Novel maize NAC transcriptional repressor ZmNAC071 confers enhanced sensitivity to ABA and osmotic stress by downregulating stress-responsive genes in transgenic Arabidopsis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67(32):8905-8918.

[8] Xu X, Yan B, Zhao Y, Wang F, Zhao X, He L, Xu J*, Zhao C* (2019). Characterization and expression analysis of GPAT gene family in maize. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 99(5): 577-588.

[9] Zhao Y, Liu M, He L, Li X, Wang F, Yan B, Wei J, Zhao C, Li Z, Xu J* (2019). A cytosolic NAD+-dependent GPDH from maize (ZmGPDH1) is involved in conferring salt and osmotic stress tolerance. BMC Plant Biology, 19(1):16.

[10] Zhao Y, Liu M, Wang F, Ding D, Zhao C, He L, Li Z, Xu J* (2019). The role of AtGPDHc2 in regulating cellular redox homeostasis under salt stress. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18(6): 1266–1279.

[11] Zhao X, Wei J, He L, Zhang Y, Zhao Y, Xu X, Wei Y, Ge S, Ding D, Liu M, Gao S, Xu J* (2019). Identification of fatty acid desaturases in maize and their differential responses to low and high temperature. Genes, 10(6):445.

[12] He L, Xu J, Wang Y*, Yang K* (2018). Transcription factor ANAC074 binds to NRS1, NRS2, or MybSt1 element in addition to the NACRS to regulate gene expression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(10):3271.

[13] Yan B, Xu X, Gu Y, Zhao Y, Zhao X, He L, Zhao C, Li Z, Xu J* (2018). Genome-wide characterization and expression profiling of diacylglycerol acyltransferase genes from maize. Genome, 61(10):735-743.

[14] Zhao Y, Li X, Wang F, Zhao X, Gao Y, Zhao C, He L, Li Z, Xu J* (2018). Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) gene family in Zea mays L.: Identification, subcellular localization, and transcriptional responses to abiotic stresses. PLoS One, 13(7).

[15] Gu Y, Zhao C, He L, Yan B, Dong J, Li Z, Yang K, Xu J* (2018). Genome-wide identification and abiotic stress responses of DGK gene family in maize. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 27(2)156-166.

[16] Gu Y, He L, Zhao C, Wang F, Yan B, Gao Y, Li Z, Yang K, Xu J* (2017). Biochemical and transcriptional regulation of membrane lipid metabolism in maize leaves under low temperature. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8 :2053.


[18] 丁冬,李嘉欣,魏玉磊,吕尤,赵训超,刘梦,邵文静,盖胜男,张今杰,徐晶宇* 2020. 拟南芥和玉米中膜结合bHLH转录因子的鉴定与分析. 植物生理学报,56(04):700-710.

[19赵训超,盖胜男,魏玉磊,许晓萱,丁冬,刘梦,张今杰,邵文静, 徐晶宇* 2020. 低温胁迫下玉米根系生理变化及相关基因表达分析. 农业生物技术学报, 28(01):32-41.

[20] 高羽荞,闫博巍,赵莹,王枫,董洁静,贺琳,赵长江,李佐同,徐晶宇*2018. 碱蓬转录组分析及油脂合成相关基因表达模式的研究. 中国油料作物学报, 406):801-811.



[1] 一种玉米II型二酰基甘油酰基转移酶及编码该玉米IIDGAT的基因 (201710531269.6

[2] 玉米3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶ZmGPDH1及其编码基因在调控植物耐逆性中的应用(201811523542.1

[3] 玉米3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶ZmGPDH4及其编码基因在调控植物耐逆性中的应用(201911097763.1